Requirements for Course Participants
- Certificate of the C qualification
- Ability to perform turns required by the program of the C qualification
- The desire to learn and develop
- To adhere to the rules of conduct at the ski resort
Equipment Requirements
- Full ski gear package (carving skis, medium-rigidity boots, ski poles)
- Ski suit
- Accessories (a helmet, a mask, gloves)
Task of the course participant
- studying general characteristics of instructor’s professional work with beginners and skiers who are improving;
- development of specialized theoretical and methodological knowledge, as well as technical skills and abilities that an instructor needs to train beginners and skiers who are improving the basics of parallel skiing and carving skating technique;
- development of the skills to independently carry out ski lessons aimed for the basis of carving technique taking into consideration physical and individual abilities of students;
- acquisition of skills for assessing the performance of technical elements of carving, the ability to detect technical errors and correct them through technical exercises.
Course Objective
Studying the basics of parallel skiing and the carving technique, as well as the development of skills and abilities to independently carry out lessons for beginners and skiers who are improving on pistes.
Course Schedule
Days 1- 4 – classes on the slope (20 hours) and theoretical classes (10 hours)
Day 5 – an exam on teaching methods and demonstration of skiing techniques
Testing is taken according to three training modules:
- Theory
- Methodology
- Demonstration of technical elements
The examination of theoretical knowledge obtained by a participant during a course is conducted in the form of testing. The test score is carried out in the two-grade system: Passed and Fail.
The Examination of professional skills and knowledge is proceeded in the form of practical task (on a slope). A student carries out a lesson with a group.
The quality of the lesson is assessed according to the following criteria:
- ability of the participant to teach others to perform any technical element (trained within the course program);
- choice of a slope;
- organization of a group;
- compliance with the methodology;
- ability to correct students’ mistakes;
- demonstration of technical elements by the student.
The assessment is carried out in the two-grade system: Passed and Fail.
Demonstration of Techniques
The demonstration of the ski technique includes performing four technical elements:
- a carving turn of the basic level;
- a basic turn of a long radius while parallel skiing;
- a basic turn of a short radius while parallel skiing;
- a long radius carving turn (with up-unweighting).
During the performance of technical elements, the following is estimated:
- balanced stance during the demonstration of an element;
- smooth sliding with speed control;
- smooth unweighting and weighting of skis;
- rhythm and timing in all phases of a turn.
The assessment is carried out in a five-point system:
- “5” – (“excellent”) – Passed;
- “4” – (“good”) – Passed;
- “3” – (“satisfactory”) – Passed;
- “2” – (“not satisfactory”) – Fail;
- “1” – (“bad”) – Fail.
Successful completion of three out of the four elements is a positive result of mastering the technique.
After the successful completion of a course, you will receive:
- proficiency of Ski Instructor of the B Basic qualification;
- certificate of instructor – the conferment of the certificate of the instructor of the B Basic qualification;
- recommendations for further extension courses;
- necessary skills and knowledge for professional work as an instructor with beginners and skiers who are improving;
- recommendations for employment at Bukovel Ski School.